Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I hate my job. I hate the weather (rain going away no time soon). I'm exhausted. I miss your papa. You miss your papa. You have a new sleep schedule which includes waking up at midnight and crying until I bring you in my bed to sleep for the remainder of the night. You wake up in the morning and ask for papa first thing. This morning I let you pick out a toy before heading to Abby's. You picked your Lego suitcase and when I asked if you were going to work you said "Dulut". All of this came to a head today and resulted in a tearful drive home from work. 

I don't know if you heard me crying or just knew what I needed to hear in that moment but in your little voice from the back seat you said "happy!". It reminded me to search for the joy in life.

Joy is owning a home to return to each day after a long days work. Joy is seeing you learn new words and expressions each day. Joy is eating Fruit Loops for an afternoon snack because you saw them out of the corner of your eye and decided that would be much better than the strawberries I was offering. Joy is our pigsty of a living room because you make so many new messes each day as you learn and discover. Joy is quality time with great friends. Joy is friends who know that times are tough and check in with you. Joy is adorable rainbow legwarmers. Joy is knowing that your papa will be coming home from Duluth in less than a month and that sunny days are ahead. The list could go on and on.

Baby girl, on the darkest days, I hope you take time to find the joy that is all around you because there is oh so much in this crazy, beautiful, life.

Little rainbows on these rainy days.

Mama Bear

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Dearest Lita,

Lately I have been thinking a lot about what I most remember from my childhood and young adulthood. I could go on and on but a few things readily come to mind. Spook rides in my childhood home with your late grandpa, playing dress up with my best friend Mary, thrifting and garagesaling with your grandma, playing outside until dark at my Fridley house, many years of matching Christmas outfits with your grandma, time spent with family over countless games of spoons (where I was the sorest loser there ever was, every. time.), traveling to Mexico with your grandma and grandpa John... as I said, the list could go on and on.

You see baby girl, what is so special about these memories is that I remember them. And I remember them, because I wasn't staring at a screen tuning into what others were up to on social media at that moment. Right now, in the year 2014, people (your mama included) are completely consumed in technology, and their smart phones, and what they can learn about others' lives through social media. It is meaningless time spent mentally away from family and friends. It is time spent missing precious memories that are just flying by us while we tune into what everyone else around us is doing.

Today baby girl, we played. We laughed. We danced. We ate dinner at the table instead of in front of the TV watching Elmo or "ditties". You talked about your Papa and showed your excitement over going to see him in "Dulut" tomorrow. You talked about your nanny Abby. You said her name over and over again, you love her so much and she loves you. I watched every wobbly step you took as you still figure out this whole walking thing. We played downstairs on the newly carpeted floor where you chased the kitties around. We read books. You played with your plane. We spent precious moments physically and mentally, together. And overall we had a fantastic night because your mama just set down her phone for a few hours.

You don't need money to make memories. You don't need much of anything. All you need is the people you love and to be fully present in the moment you're in. Whatever is going on in the world of technology as you read this, please find the time to disconnect and be fully present with your friends and family. I am certain when you grow old you won't care about all those times you scrolled through your social media sites. You will however, care about the time you spent with your friends and family that you hold dear.

Even after I write this, I am certain I will still be on social media far too much. I'll need many more reminders to be present but hopefully as you get older we can continue making memories over simple moments just as we did tonight. These memories I'll forever hold dear.

The one photo I snapped tonight. Digging through your day bag and walking around saying "Abby".

Mama Bear

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Life is messy. There is going to be a lot more dirt that comes your way. Some of it will stink and some of it will hurt you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Keep playing through the dirt and you'll be just fine my love.

Mama Bear

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Papa's Girl

It has been so fun to watch your love for your papa grow grow grow lately! You can't get enough snuggle time with him while he's here on the weekends! He loves you to the moon and back, baby girl!!
